Gatekeeper App for Security

Are you still using paper registers at your main entry gate for managing visitors & staffs? If yes; then you are far away from digital era of 2019. As per reports from several security agencies and our field research; we found out that 20% of the visitors/guests don't fill the right details in security registers though 50% of them just do the formalities and keep it mostly incomplete like checkout time, mobile no. etc. Anyways, we are human and we may have done similar things sometimes in our visit to places like any residency or somewhere else. Do we really intend to do so?? Or Does someone else do it intentionally? Answer is big NO.. Its about our habits & best practices which reflects everywhere in accordance with system in place. How's that if someone does it for you? YES, we are talking about digital security management system at a housing society or apartments of any type or size. We the help of GateKeeper Security App you can manage visitors, facility Staffs, Domestic Helpers, Venders, Delivery/ Courier boys or any kind of entry & exit activities. Best part is that, its done in just a few taps on TAB sized device and specially designed keeping security guards in mind. Its simple & very simple to use. Our App interface reveals the same. Have a look and you will be amazed to know that guards don't need to navigate here and there for endless entry types. Its all done at one page. We must mention here that one doesn't have to be a tech or mobile savvy at all to operate our solution. Our solution is cloud based so all your records are saved forever and you don't need to be worried at all accessing them anytime anywhere. In case of paper register it happens reverse. After a certain time period, your all old security registers are kept in bulk in a dark a messy storeroom having nothing to do with anything in future. Even if you try to find out an old register, will make you panic for no reasons although if those are safe form fire, dampness in walls, small and big insects and many more in list. In a cloud based solution you are the king and data follows you every time you need it anywhere.

Secure GateKeeper App Features

Visitors Check-in & Check-out

Security guard will enter visitors detail with picture and vehicle info in our super easy app interface

Staffs & Helpers Entry – Exit

For those who works for your complex will show the QR code enabled ID card and they are done

Preauthorized & OTP based entry

A preauthorized guest needs to just share the OTP or QR code generated by the resident and they are IN.

Vehicle Look up

Are you tired of wrong parking? We got you covered. Guard will search them here and inform the owner

Incident Reporting

In case of any unpleasant scenario; Your security guard can simply click a few pics and submit them to admin

Flat Shifting tracker

A separate Shift In & Shift Out mechanism is built to keep your task easy. Track them all at one place

Search History

We strongly empower your security guards to search any dated entry & exit records for anyone

SOS notification

In case of any emergency situation like fire, earthquake etc. Security alert can be sent to all by using SOS button

Easy to Operate

Our Gatekeeper solution is designed keeping security guards & their level of understanding in mind

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What all are modes of entry enabled in GateKeeper by Society24x7?

  • Manual Entry: Visitors Name & Number will be typed by Security Guard; rest all select from easy dropdown menu. It is super easy than maintaining in a physical register.
  • OTP based Entry: Enter a 4 digits OTP shared by Visitor and that’s all. OTP is generated typically in case of Pre-Authorization of guest by residents.
  • QR code scan: Just launch the scanner inbuilt in our GateKeeper App and you are done. QR code enabled ID cards are normally issued to facility staffs, Domestic Helpers, gate pass holders and preauthorized visitors.
  • Tap & Go: This function will be used in case of residents Check-in & Check-Out.

Can I alert all my residents & management in case of emergency?

Yes, this is one of the key featured button named as SOS located at the top on GateKeeper & Resident’s Apps. Security Guards can alert All and residents can alert Security Guards using it.

What if I have weak or not internet?

No worries at all; We got you covered here. Our Application doesn’t require a fast internet to operate instead of just a bare 2G connection is sufficient enough. In case of no internet, it works normally and when line resumes; it syncs with CRM.

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